  • Get Out Alive
  • Half Filled Boxes
  • Let You Down
  • Sweet Hurricane
  • Wait For You
  • Right Side
  • Grace (Here With You)
  • Hello Vertigo
  • Run For Your Life
  • High Time For Arrival
  • Comin' Back Soon
  • Finally
  • Get Out Alive
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:31) [10.51 MB]
  • Half Filled Boxes
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (03:35) [8.36 MB]
  • Let You Down
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (03:43) [8.53 MB]
  • Sweet Hurricane
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:58) [11.53 MB]
  • Wait For You
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (03:56) [9.17 MB]
  • Right Side
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (05:16) [12.19 MB]
  • Grace (Here With You)
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:04) [9.45 MB]
  • Hello Vertigo
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:13) [9.83 MB]
  • Run For Your Life
    Genre: Reggae
    MP3 (05:13) [12.1 MB]
  • High Time For Arrival
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:19) [10.03 MB]
  • Comin' Back Soon
    Genre: Reggae
    MP3 (04:36) [10.69 MB]
  • Finally
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (05:03) [11.7 MB]
It’s 2011.
It’s been five years and two albums since Three Legged Fox came together as a four piece band in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia PA. Kyle Wareham, Kory Kochersperger, Jon Duxbury, and Mark Carson have played more than 350 shows, and have supported almost every major national reggae band that America has to offer. Looking back on their history to date, Wareham (lead vocalist and rhythm guitars) explains, “we’ve come to understand that those first five years were the groundwork, the foundation for this year, this new album,and ultimately this moment.” In August, Three Legged Fox will release their third studio album called Always Anyway; a collection of songs to be their coming out, their ‘hello’ to the world.

“We’ve made the raw album, we’ve made the traditional reggae album with horns and organs and such. But shortly after Not as Far (the bands second album produced by Chris D’Beneditto) we started to realize who we were and the kind of music we’re pretty good at playing. We’re an alternative rock alternative reggae/rock band. In knowing that, and wanting to keep moving down that road, we began writing songs from a micro sense. We tightened up, started building songs in a rock structure. The demo process alone was 10 or 11 months,” says Kochersperger. Wareham adds, “In terms of how it sounds, we wanted to make it big. There’s a lot of guitar, a lot of vocals, some synth, all kinds of stuff. A lot of people identify that to be the standard pop format, but for us it’s brand new because our previous albums were all so simple.”

Since 2006, Three Legged Fox has quietly been assembling the parts and the space to build and eventually have their own studio. In essence, they were preparing for this exact recording experience. “I knew two years ago there was no one I trusted more than Kyle to engineer and make these songs come alive. We wrote the Not as Far songs together, and we arranged all of the new songs as well. So I lobbied to everybody that for the third album, we should make the whole thing start to finish by ourselves. Trust ourselves, and believe in our vision.”(Kochersperger)

Now more than two years has passed since the band last released an original song, and much by way of the world has happen in that time. Kochersperger explains, “Somewhere along the line, I sort of woke up to the news, and the importance of knowing what’s going on. So there are references to recent events all over the new material, like the Wall Street bailout, and the earthquake in Haiti. Of course we’ve got some love songs, and one or two about the opposite of love, whatever that is. It just wouldn’t be a 3LF record without some of those.”

It’s 2011 and Three Legged Fox is ready. They’ve dedicated over a year and a half to writing and recording Always Anyway, and they did it exactly the way they wanted to. “I’m nervous and I’m excited for this album. I’ve believed in our previous efforts too, but I’ll go down with this one. If someone who’d never heard of us could only hear one of our albums, I’d no doubt give them Always Anyway,” says Wareham.

  • Members:
    Kyle Wareham, Kory Kochersperger, Jon Duxbury, Mark Carson
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 16:07:23

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