Taron Ackles
  • Let's Dance! (Psalm 20:11)
  • Let's Dance! (Psalm 20:11)
    Genre: Jazz Funk
    MP3 (03:34) [8.16 MB]
Taron Ackles is born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. From an early age he displayed a love for music by grabbing anything that he could build for a drum set. In elementary school he learned how to play the recorder and sung tenor in the glee club. It was through the glee club that he had his first experience reading music. In 1991 his mother moved him and his brother to the Medical Center Apartments where he attended Spain Middle School. It was here through the direction and guidance of Mrs. Victoria Miller that he learned how to play the Trombone, Baritone Horn and music theory. By being surrounded by so many instruments and hearing so much music his gifts and passion for music began to flourish and manifest. Taron was involved in the Marching band, Jazz Band and Concert Band. After graduating from Spain Taron, through the recommendation of Mrs. Victoria Miller, attended The Detroit School Of Arts. It was here through the teaching and guidance of Mr. Edward Quick that Taron begin to learn more of the gifts that God has in blessed him with. Two of the gifts that started to flourish is songwriting and perfect pitch. Mr. Quick once give him the freedom and opportunity to write and teach the marching band songs. Due to conflict in his neighborhood Taron's mother moved him to Norwalk, Connecticut to stay with his father and step-mother at the beginning of his Junior year of high school. Here attended Norwalk High School. Through the teaching and guidance of Mr. Jefferey Smith Taron learned how to become a more disciplined and responsible musician. This is also where he learned how to play the bass guitar. Once he moved back to Detroit he started his first band and at the age of 19 he played the bass on The Clark Brothers project "We Need Your Love". In 2001 after a powerful bible study and a life changing decision presented to him through his brother in ministry Larry Clark Taron gave his life to Jesus Christ. It is now through his music that he purposes to glorify God and edify His kingdom.
  • Members:
    Taron Ackles
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
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  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/18/23 13:05:55

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