• Jacket
  • What Ev
  • 24 Karat Love
  • Jacket
    Genre: Pop
    WAV (07:10) [36.13 MB]
  • What Ev
    Genre: Pop
    MP3 (03:14) [7.38 MB]
  • 24 Karat Love
    Genre: R&B
    MP3 (04:47) [10.97 MB]
An 80's pop singer once sang that "Girls just wanna have fun." These days, in an industry crowded with competitive music hopefuls and moguls declaring "Sleep is forbidden," Sasha Payne just wants to have fun.

Sasha is no stranger to songwriting, producing, and live instrumentation. In fact, Ms. Payne knows how to do it all-- from writing her own songs, to playing the guitar, and even engineering herself in her own studio. She's a jack of all musical trades; and yet, as hard as she works, Sasha's main aim is to keep her music fun. That's entertainment.

Her influences include legends: Prince, Madonna, and even the classic rock greats, The Beatles. Like her famous idols, Sasha is no stranger to the kind of catchy pop hooks and strong melodies that stick to the memory like bubble gum. Often silly, but sometimes deeply personal, Sasha Payne's music distinguishes itself by combining a strong musical background with a talent for story-telling. The result is pure entertainment.

Her lyrics are oftentimes disarmingly humorous, with the kind of insight that strikes a chord with the listener, whether she's weaving a tale of fashion paranoia in "Jacket," or torn between love and money in "24 Karat Love." And she does it all with the voice of a good story-teller: one that is often playful and many times powerful.

From her early childhood, Sasha wanted to be a performer, and music always played a major role in her home life. "Music is in my blood," says Sasha, whose grandfather was a composer and whose mother would spend countless evenings playing guitar and harmonizing with the young singer. In high school, she was accepted to a prestigious performing arts program in New York City, where she got her first taste of the big-city arts scene. From that time on, Sasha knew that her heart belonged to NYC, where she continues to pursue the dreams that run in her bloodline.

Having completed her debut album, Sasha is now promoting the single, "Jacket," which is currently available for download on iTunes. The single reveals part of the Sasha Payne formula: indelible pop hooks and the same spirit that Cyndi Lauper once sang about. Sasha Payne is just a girl who wants to have fun. That's entertainment.

For more information, contact


Check out Sasha Payne's music, videos, and blogs at:

Watch Sasha's hot new video "Jacket" on Youtube:

And don't forget to download the single, "Jacket" on iTunes TODAY!!!
  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    Danity Kane, Fergie, Nina Sky
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 17:30:24

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