Sacred Earth "Pamanyungan"
  • Sacred Earth
  • Sri Ram Jaya Ram
  • Bringers of the Rain
  • Ra & Temu Hammakis
  • Pamanyungan
  • Divine Mother
  • Savasana
  • Sacred Earth
    Genre: New Age
    MP3 (09:19) [22.01 MB]
  • Sri Ram Jaya Ram
    Genre: New Age
  • Bringers of the Rain
    Genre: New Age
    MP3 (08:44) [20.68 MB]
  • Ra & Temu Hammakis
    Genre: New Age
    MP3 (07:24) [17.62 MB]
  • Pamanyungan
    Genre: New Age
    MP3 (08:21) [19.79 MB]
  • Divine Mother
    Genre: New Age
    MP3 (09:34) [22.56 MB]
  • Savasana
    Genre: New Age
    MP3 (08:33) [20.23 MB]
Sacred Earth is the creation of Jethro and Prem Williams, who live in Victoria, Australia, and travel the world performing their music. Prem shares her heartfelt devotion for Spirit and our precious Mother Earth through mantra and songs from the heart, accompanied by her husband Jethro, who plays an array of instruments from around the world, including shakuhachi (Japanese flute), Indian bansuri, Irish tin & low whistles, acoustic guitar, and percussion. Occasionally Jethro adds his beautiful, soulful voice. Jethro and Prem blend their experiences of yoga, meditation, natural healing, voice, love of Earth and instruments from around the world, giving birth to the music they call Sacred Earth.

We travel the world and play this music with the intent to connect people to their own inner peace and knowing. We seek to empower the listener by providing a sacred space in which they can deeply connect to their own heart and cultivate a deeper respect for themselves and our beautiful Mother Earth.

Jethro Williams studied Chinese massage therapy, Chinese medicine, martial arts & shiatsu before, in 2000, he had a profound experience of deep inner peace at his first 10-day silent meditation retreat. His desire to share this experience with others led him down a serendipitous path that included learning to play flutes, touring with the group Spirit Dance and, along with Prem, training to become a yoga instructor.

When I sing, it is as though I step out of the way and allow whatever wants to be expressed to come out through me.

Prem Williams spent many years in the folk festival scene, drum and guitar in hand, having a lot of fun but lacking a sense of fulfillment. One day alone at home she began to sing and what came forth was unlike anything she had ever heard. She felt that words simply got in the way and initially sang only a deep, potent connection to her inner emotions and Mother Earth. Prem, who also plays keyboards, guitar and harmonium, was introduced to mantra (devotional singing) and found that she could also express the multitude of human emotions through ancient languages such as Hebrew and Sanskrit. She now blends these ancient languages with the language of her own heart. When Prem sings, the resonance reaches deep into the listener’s heart. It is not unusual for the listener to be reduced to tears or connected to a deep stillness within. Prem is also the primary composer, as “songs just seem to come from the ether.”
  • Members:
    Prem Williams, Jethro Williams
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    01/24/24 18:51:17

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