Musique Mecanique
  • Jesse Al Arco
  • Solo Piano Dos
  • Solstice
  • Jesse Al Arco
    Genre: Instrumental
    MP3 (02:51) [6.51 MB]
  • Solo Piano Dos
    Genre: (Choose a Genre)
    MP3 (04:55) [11.26 MB]
  • Solstice
    Genre: Instrumental
    MP3 (04:16) [9.77 MB]
Musique Mécanique

electronic sounding music (and music inspired by electronica) performed using instruments and objects that produce sounds by mechanical means.

absolutely no synthesizers or samplers used.

produced and composed by daniel diaz.

performed & recorded by daniel diaz in paris, villa gessel and buenos aires during 2008-2009. mixed and edited in paris 2009-2010.

artwork:, paris.

instruments & objects used:
acoustic piano,
upright bass (bowed and pizz),
acoustic and electric guitars and basses,
hand percussion,
bamboo flutes,
bamboo drums,
metal trash lid, stainless steel thermos,
wine glasses
and other objects.

fx, processing & treatments:
digital and analogue delays, echo, filters, reverb, wah-wah pedal, distortion pedal.
  • Members:
    Daniel Díaz
  • Sounds Like:
    Steve Reich, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Phillip Glass, Brian Eno
  • Influences:
    Miles Davis, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Karlheinz Stockhausen
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/15/23 10:29:35

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