Johnsonville City Nights
  • Strange But Not A Stranger
  • Temporary Reprieve
  • Strange But Not A Stranger
    Genre: Country Rock
    MP3 (03:12) [7.64 MB]
  • Temporary Reprieve
    Genre: Country Rock
    MP3 (03:00) [7.17 MB]
Finn Johansson has been ebbing and flowing around the Wellington music scene for years now, & after numerous band tours, radio/TV appearances and session work is now emerging with a motley crew of **** kickin' accomplices:

Abe Hollingswort' - Drums, Cymbals & Incomprihensible Roaring

R'uben D'ube - Bass Guitar & Backing Vocals

Neen'h Dekk'rs - Backing Vocals, Hypnotic Twirling

Willi'm Jackma' - Bacing Vocals, Guitars, Harmonica

Mich'el Cost'llo - Trumpet... sometimes

Matt - What's his last name? He, like, doesn't have a Facebook or anything, but he plays a great Mandolin and sings and stuff. Also acoustic guitar.

With their country twang, deft guitar work and heartbreaking harmonies, Johnsonville City Nights will slowly consume your every waking minute 'till you implode and merge, Cronenberg-esque, with the coffee table.
Farfetched? You tell me!

With a debut EP on the way and many a show on the horizon, you'll probably want to check back here often or risk 'The Creeping Remorse', as it's colloquially known.

Love and Squalor,
  • Members:
    Abe Hollingsworth - Drums Neenah Dekkers - Vocals Te Aihe Butler - Bass, Vocals Liam McClurg - Guitar, Vocals, Guit-jo Michael Costello - Trumpet
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/16/23 08:52:15

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