Gerald Krampl
  • Tomrrow, Come What May
  • Tomrrow, Come What May
    Genre: Classical
    MP3 (03:09) [7.2 MB]
Gerald Krampl's musical career started in his early youth, by first taking classical piano lessons. In the 70s and 80s he formed two prog-rock bands, KYRIE ELEISON and INDIGO, played the keyboards and wrote most of the songs, and over the years several LPs, CDs and Singles were successfully released.
After a break from the music business, he started 1999 together with his in 2002 late wife and poet Hilde a new project - AGNUS DEI. Inspired by their yearlong experiences with Reiki (master degree), Runes, Blossoms and Meditation, this project combined their two skills by creating spiritual fantasy tales expressed through all-instrumental music on the audio CDs, and Hilde's unique poetry printed in the "value- added" CD booklets.(Visit: Dei)
In 2006 followed a new musical challenge, with an emotionally very intense electronica/neo-classical soundtrack work for an educational TV and multimedia internet documentary about the Holocaust in WW2. It was realized with exclusive authentic historical material provided by the holocaust museum in Auschwitz (Pl), and is very recommended to visit in the web at -
As somehow an antipode to this very dark and sad music, you can see the follow up solo work "Timediver", which was released in winter 2008. Settled between electronic and prog-rock in a kind of "vintage style of the 80's" it is best to describe as "electronic soundscapes for mind movies". it can also be understood as a final reminiscence to Gerald's former prog rock days.
Besides there is still evident a strong interest in meditative, healing music, and therefore Gerald has released together with speaker Corinna Steinboeck early in 2009 an album with spoken (only in German) classic fairy tales combined with an especially composed piano based relaxing music. During this work also evolved the idea for a new solo project. But this time with the intention to keep away from all commercial and genre orientated concessions, stay as minimalistc and elemental as possible (only piano max. 2 more viola and cello sounds), but extended with various electronic and nature sound effects to add a bit of a soundtrack effect to the whole.
"Innocent Wasteland" was the first result, and released at the end of 2009 it has become a somehow somber and reflective conceptual album about the endless cycle of destruction and reawakening around us.
Some of the music has in the meantime again been used for another web project concerning "Disability", to visit at -
This solo project effort was consequently continued in 2010 with the new follow up album "Lighthouse". Again with the same approach to create a crossover between classic, minimalism and ambient, but this time without a clearly defined overall concept behind, rather as each title works as a musical expression of various solitaire emotional personal impressions that were collected over the year.
  • Members:
    Gerald Krampl
  • Sounds Like:
    Max Richter, Olafur Arnalds, Erik Satie, David Lanz
  • Influences:
    Max Richter, Olafur Arnalds, Rick Wakeman, Erik Satie, David Lanz, Peter Kater
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/16/23 08:06:59

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