George Marinelli
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Twisted Tango
  • Believe
  • Tokens Of A Broken Love
  • Necessary Evil
  • Anxious

Wild Onions 2014
Believe 2012
Necessary Evil 2007

Some of the artists I've recorded and toured with are:
Bruce Hornsby & The Range (founding member), Bonnie Raitt, Billy and The Beaters, James Taylor, Dixie Chicks, Willie Nelson, Vince Gill, Ray Charles, Art Garfunkel, Robert Earl Keen, Wynona Judd, Cliff Richard, Peter Cetera, Shawn Colvin, Jackson Brown, Colin Hay, and many more.

I was born in a far away land called Staten Island, New York, to an Italian-American family, where my dad worked for the railroad and my mom took care of my two sisters and me. Most of my aunts, uncles, and cousins were in walking distance. I could walk a few blocks in any direction and encounter almost every imagineable ethnic group, see how they lived, smell their cooking, and most important of all, hear their music. Even at an early age, before I played an instrument, this opened my ears to a very wide palette. My family then moved to Los Angeles in my 14th year and for my 15th birthday present, I got a very inexpensive acoustic guitar. LA was a pretty good breeding ground for a budding guitarist. I spent many an hour alone playing along to recordings and eventually became capable enough to be in bands, and much later to start making a living.
Was fortunate enough to start playing recording sessions at a fairly young age, played in any band that would have me, and took any gigs I could manage. A early recording I was on went Top 5 and more work came my way. Juggled being in many bands with session work. Always kept as many balls in the air as I could. Currently I still play sessions, produce indie albums, write and record my own albums, and have played guitar in Bonnie Raitt's Band since 1993.

Here's a video from my latest album, "Wild Onions", called "Oh No, Not Love Again".

  • Members:
    George Marinelli
  • Sounds Like:
    Joe Jackson, Tom Petty, XTC, Donald Fagen
  • Influences:
    Beatles, Rolling Stones, Paul Simon, Various Reggae, Brazilian, and Afro artists.
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/15/23 17:38:58

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