darren fisher
  • On A Roll
  • With You
  • Sweetest Sensation
Born in the Somerset levels surrounding Glastonbury, Darren Fisher first picked up the guitar when he was five years old and he has carried it with him ever since. He was initially taught to play by his Father, Sam and then as his skills advanced by Nigel Snook, an experienced guitarist who achieved sixties chart success with the band Unit 4+2.
By the time Darren was eighteen he was already on the road to becoming a songwriter, inspired by the music he listened to as a child such as Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen he penned his first songs while immersed in the psychedelic world of a teenager seeking the spiritual enlightenment that inspired many of his sixties heroes.
Having spent his childhood in the Countryside a divine love of nature was developed and he hit the road choosing the beautiful landscape of the West Country as his muse rather than the more cosmopolitan culture of City life. So guitar in hand, Darren made his way around the Counties of Somerset, Devon and Cornwall where he began to develop his live performances in local venues around the region and also found a new passion in surfing.
Just as Darren reached a musical level where he knew he had something special, an event occurred which would take him several years to recover from. His Father, not yet fifty years old was found dead with the shotgun that had killed him by his side. A verdict of death by misadventure was given.
Helped by his Father’s own philosophy of celebrating life rather than mourning death, time gently healed the pain of the tragedy and Darren found himself on a plane ride to America, where he performed in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco on a six month tour organised by himself and found a very appreciative audience for his music.
Upon returning to England he met some likeminded musicians and he and his younger brother Ansley formed a rock band by the name of Wistmans Wood who were an instant success on the local gigging scene of South Devon and attracted the attention of a certain Dennis Smith who had already taken West Country band Muse to International fame. Unfortunately instead of pursuing a musical career two key members left Devon for University and it was then that Darren once more hit the road, this time to mainland Europe where he spent a year in Holland, Germany, Italy and France discovering that despite the language barrier his music still greatly affected his audience.
Once more, Darren returned to England and craving an active live music scene he set up camp in Brighton, West Sussex. (Well parked his campervan actually) By this stage he had a large back catalogue of original songs but nothing of the quality to which he was happy to release until one of his demos found its way to producer Chris Sutton, who saw a very real, yet slightly raw talent. A deal was struck between the two and over the next two years, while at the same time, performing in the many acoustic venues of Sussex many of which were alongside singer Beth Rowley, Darren recorded his debut album. The self funded acoustic ensemble that is Feathers And Oak Tree, an organic collection of songs inspired by life in the West Country, particularly the Celtic influence.
Upon completion of Feathers And Oak Trees Darren returned once more to Devon where he set about performing the songs from his debut record at various venues around the region including support slots with Folk legends Bob Cheevers and Jackie Stewart and in the process received the accolade of Torbay Arts Council Solo Artist Of The Year.
Never satisfied, he also began laying the foundations for his next studio record, having set up a home studio in Exeter, Darren began recording the demos for his second album, Dance In The Rain which he wanted to be a bigger rock sounding record with a more commercial aspect than his debut. When the album demos were complete, he employed the production skills of ace guitarist Barney Dine, an established performer on the West Country circuit and in Barneys studio in the sleepy village of Stoke Gabriel, the electric guitar driven demos began to take shape into a very powerful package of uplifting recordings featuring no shortage of potential hit singles.

Continually crossing the borders between Folk and Rock, Darren has financed and managed his recording and performing career totally by himself. He is now the proud owner of two very professionally recorded albums, each with a collection of potential classic songs and each having their own distinctive yet totally different sound.
Now in his mid thirties (though you would never believe it) he shows no signs of slowing down. He is through and through and artist with integrity and self-belief and will continue to be so for the rest of his life. Whether or not he will ever receive the industry accolade he deserves remains to be seen but one thing is for sure, when he goes to his grave, he will leave behind a wonderful legacy of studio recordings and the memories of an extraordinary human being.
  • Members:
    Darren Fisher - Acoustic, Vocals. Barney Dine - Electric Guitar. Rik Christensen - Keyboards. Jon Lee - Bass. Dean Mancey - Drums
  • Sounds Like:
    Ben Harper, Damien Rice, Jack Johnson, James Blunt, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, David Gray, REM, Counting Crows
  • Influences:
    Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Leonard Cohen, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Counting Crows, Ben Harper
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 16:05:01

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