Carolyn Justice
Carolyn Justice is the kind of singer who takes you back to a simpler time. Her country ballads cut through the pretense of the modern music scene with pure, uplifting melodies and classic instrumentation.

Out of the Fast Lane is a collection of ten songs, written and arranged by Justice, which showcases her ability to capture the appeal of pop, blues, and country music. Using steel guitars, stride piano, bass, and fiddle, Justice’s songs are an homage to the ensemble country bands of the Ozark mountains, but her message is just as relevant to a modern audience.

Justice sings about love, hard times, and about whittling away summers at her grandparent’s home in Missouri, with an easygoing and accessible attitude. She takes inspiration from great songsters like Elvis Presley, Karen Carpenter, and Patsy Cline but, from that milieu, she manages to craft a unique sound.

The title track, “Out of the Fast Lane,” opens with an upbeat thumping bass and twanging guitar. Justice sings about a relationship gone wrong, but avoids clichés and tired lyricism, her verses are inventive and the instrumentation gives the song a pleasing bounce. From the opening piano of “Something About You,” the song takes a bluesy chord. Justice’s voice is deep and playful and she flirts through her song. On “Who Do You Love,” Justice and her band create a rock-a-billy sound, which beautifully highlights Justice’s soulful voice. The addition of some tasteful harmonies adds depth to a good time hit.

“I try to give my songs a subtle, positive message,” She says, “To get people to look at their lives and relationships from a different perspective.” Each song on Out of the Fast Lane, maintains an uplifting vibe, even when Justice sings about difficult or emotional issues. “If my songs are helpful to only one person,” She says, “then I will feel successful.”

Out of the Fast Lane is Justice’s second release. Her first album, Slightly Blue, was a collection of classic covers and two of Justice’s original compositions, which received a warm response after a tour of U.S. and European radio stations. Justice received rave reviews from the European music press. With her new album, Justice is showing a different side of herself. Fans of country, old-time, bluegrass, singer/songwriter, or just plain good music will be enchanted with Carolyn Justice’s sound
  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    Patzy Kline, Tammy Wynette
  • Influences:
    Elvis Presley, Patzy Kline, Shania Twain
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 20:48:41

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