CAB Music Company
  • Figment of Imagination
  • Prove Me Real
  • Legacy
CAB Music Company is your ride to great music. Contemporary consciousness meets classic stylings with the blues-infused acoustic rock country pop crafted by this canny and exceptionally talented band. CAB Music Co. is the true inheritor of the true blue ways of acoustic rock and blues energy; CAB Music Co. is also the harbinger of things to come, both in the career of CMC and in the music world as a whole. Eventually, it all comes back to the greatness of pure songwriting, which is, ultimately, the fuel behind CMC's artistic success.

Unknown Power

“Music,” says CAB, “touches something deep inside me that I don't even fully understand.” Music is inarguably sublime and people encounter its power in ways not fully understandable, or at least describable by words. It also exceeds categorization. “Putting emotional labels on the way music affects me is quite near impossible.” It's beyond description. But that's music's thing. It defies description. Music communicates in ways profound and spiritual. And manipulation of that factor by a master musical artist is exactly why CMC's music is as affecting as it is.


The finest of musicians must exist, live, breath and create because their drive to do so stems directly from music itself. Music is an elemental force and touches everyone from the artist to the fan and everybody in between. “I believe my soul is motivated by music, and my entire being is complete whenever music moves me.” This absolute dedication to music explains the force and compelling energy that moves from CAB Music Company's music through the ears of the listener and into the mind, where it takes root and real human connection, in the mysterious way of music, happens.

Be True

Artistic honesty is the core of great musicianship and the reason behind CMC's excellence. “If you play with your soul what is in your heart, there is nothing more real or perfect an art.” This observation by the mind behind CAB displays the spiritual knowledge of this magnificent performer, which answers the question of “How can a few strings on an instrument, combined with a man's voice, be so powerfully effective?” Because it's more than strings and voice. It's the talent, heart and spirit that drives the compositions and the performance of said compositions. CAB Music Co. is not a band to be taken lightly, as history will prove.


Life. Small word. Big idea. Life encompasses all, from the crack in the sidewalk to the greatest of life's turbulence. All things great and small in this thing called life are called upon in the ritual that is songwriting by CAB. The ability to draw from all aspects of existence increases and amplifies the creative power in songcraft and that ability resides in great quantities with CAB.


On a crash course with the future, and nowhere else to go. CMC are on a mission to put their brand on the local music scene with catchy originals, and grooving covers. With the debut CD coming out in early 2008. So stay tuned! Coming soon to a honky tonk near you!
  • Members:
    CAB - Vocals, guitars
  • Sounds Like:
    A unique blend of blues rock country pop.
  • Influences:
    The Doors, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Jimi Hendrix, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, SRV, and on and on....
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/16/23 19:31:02

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