The Vaseline Rats
  • 'et al'
  • So Over You
  • All The Ones (you want)
Origins Of The Species

The Vaseline Rats hail from The UK, and were brought together in 2004 by Pete MZ Emms. The Vaseline Rats was put together as a fluid unit in which Pete as a songwriter, put the band together around him as a vehicle to record and perform new material. The membership has always been informal and allows new influences and styles to influence songs. However, after performing and recording with such artists as Dave Holland (Trapeze/ Judas Priest) John Lingwood (Manfred Mann) John Brooks (The Charlatans) Pete MZ Emms wanted a band that knew their chops and recruited accordingly.

The Vaseline Rats currently consist of:

Pete MZ Emms: Lead Vocals: Bass Guitar

Paul May: Guitars

Rob Allen: Drums

A question that is asked all the time is where did you get the name The Vaseline Rats?

Well, some years ago after leaving one of my old bands A.N.D. I was going round auditioning for bands and looking for personnel to start a new band. I was struggling for a name of my new band when a couple incidents happened and fate kinda took over. Id been harassing a couple of management teams in London one of them being Simon Napier Bell and former Deep Purple and Whitesnake manager John Coletta.
I didnt see John Coletta for a while, but he was more than surprised to see me at a private party Id used my initiative to get in to. Johns words were Bloody hell MZ! You can get in to places a Vaseline rat couldnt get! So the name kinda stuck.
The following day I read an article about the LA rock scene in which a journalist described the lifestyle of rock musicians as no better than vermin in the city. John Colettas words came back to me and I thought yeah, The Vaseline Rats, rock n roll vermin and so the V-Rats were born!

Since 2004 The V-Rats have raised their musicianship in spectacular fashion as the live 'back bone' for a tour of the United States as part of a celebration of 20 years of 'New Wave Of British Heavy Metal' with Al Atkins (Judas Priest), Jess Cox (Tygers Of Pan Tang) and Dennis Stratton (Iron Maiden, Praying Mantis). The Band in the States was being billed alongside Testament, Obituary and Ice T! And of course, went down a storm!
On the New York show, the band was joined on stage by 'Seven Witches' vocalist James Rivera to do a bludgeoning version of the Judas Priest classic 'Victim Of Changes'. Following on from the success of the tour, the V-Rats were asked to continue with further live shows in the US and Europe with combined forces of Den Stratton and Al Atkins under the name of 'The DENiAL'.

Recently The V-Rats completed a new album for ex Judas Priest vocalist Alan Atkins that also features legendry Midlands band Diamond Head guitarist Brian Tattler on the blistering track Pete MZ Emms wrote 'Blood Demons and Whisky'.

The Vaseline Rats continue this year establishing their place as a vibrant and relevant live act as well as recording new material for their debut album with GULL Entertainment.
The band continues to work on their new album with their current EP available on Apples iTunes. They are to receiving encouraging responses from all quarters of the industry and gaining high profile endorsements from Spector Bass Guitars NYC, Moser Custom Guitars LA, Ashdown Amplification UK with Pete MZ Emms being a regular visitor to the prestigious NAMM show in California to conduct clinics and workshops.

  • Members:
    Pete MZ Emms, Paul May, Rob Allen
  • Sounds Like:
    Dirty Funk Metal
  • Influences:
    Frank Zappa, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix, Foo Fighters, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Thin Lizzy, Queens Of The Ston Age, Muse, Black Label Society, Lou Reed
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/17/23 09:22:06

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