T. Moody
TMoodys music is really unique. Rock, pop, southern rock, country, rock-a-billy, jazz, Americana, and rocky-tonk best describe the tunes from his CD. The CD "Acoustic Groove... Electric Vibe" is without a doubt The Baskins-Robbins of albums. 31 flavors, not just strawberry flow from the speakers. Live performances of the TMoody Band can work the crowd into a frenzy or stir deep emotions. Hearing TMoody, reminds you what music is all about!

TMoody's songwriting stems from the extremes of his personal life. From Reckless living and excessive partying, to getting clean and sober. From dealing with, exposing, and beating inner demons to casting off all fear and chasing his dream. That is why each song has the ability to reach out and touch anyone at some level. The lyrics are relatable to anyone who has ever lived, loved and experienced life. The hundreds of musical influences, from one end of the music spectrum to the other, accounts for the unique blend of flavors in his music.
  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    Steve Earle, Mike D., George Jones, Tom Petty
  • Influences:
    Steve Earle, Mike D., George Jones, Tom Petty
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/16/23 05:15:15

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