Red Eye Junction
  • Tonight
  • Gone Again
  • Tonight
    Genre: Country Americana
    WAV (02:33) [25.77 MB]
  • Gone Again
    Genre: Classic Country
    WAV (03:38) [36.73 MB]
Conceived one night over a few ice cold cans of domestic, in the closest thing the city of San Luis Obispo can call a Honky-Tonk , the ol' 1019 McCarthy's Irish Pub. Red Eye Junction, brainchild of Dr. Cain and C.C. Hoffman conjures the spirit of the hard hitting Country and Western/ honky tonk music from the days gone bye. Buck Dylan and Jackpot Jonny Clarke round out the band and seal the deal. Red Eye Junction understands the true essence of what classic country and western/ honky tonk music embodies yet throwing a few extra punches and a few bonus roundhouse kicks to update the sound. No generic bullshit here, just good ole' country music born and bred in the heart of the Central Coast California.
  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    like a loose case of empties bouncing around in the rusted-out bed of a Ford F150 that hauling ass down the interstate.
  • Influences:
    Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams, George Jones, Dwight Yoakam
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/15/23 00:49:16

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