Pink Reality
  • Imagine
  • Closed Exits
  • Wings Of An Angel
  • Imagine
    Genre: Dance
  • Closed Exits
    Genre: Dance
  • Wings Of An Angel
    Genre: Dance
First off, just a little introduction to Pink Reality. We were a band formed in early 2008, who took on a grunge kinda sound. However, things weren't really working out as we had planned so I started experimenting with some new sounds. I made a short minute-long track named 'Crime' which was my first taste into the production of Hip-Hop. This track became very successful within my social boundary and everybody appreciated the change of appearance and feel that the band had. At this point, I was the only person in this so called 'band', so now I consider myself as a solo artist whos just out for some fun.

Due to the success of 'Crime', I went on to write, produce and record my first feature-length track called 'Revelations', which to this day, people still like. Once again, I had moved from a Hip-Hop vibe to a Dance sound and again proved to be successful. The 'Revelations' track is based on world corruption and how crap the entire government and their policies are. In the song, I mention my two best friends 'Ash' and 'Liz', my brother 'Perry' and 'LoadEmUp', the game that I own, also appears as a cameo role within the song. My family and I got in touch with a few radio companies (inside source shh!) but after listening to the track, they unfortunately turned Pink Reality down and said that 'Dance' wasn't the genre of music that they played.

After a few months of a break I decided to start writing some new material. By this time, it was mid-June, and it was coming to the end of the school year. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to get creative with song writing. It was at this point, where Liz and I had gone into the woods at the back of our school on the brightest of sunny days and sat down to write the next song to be released which was 'One Chance'. The story behind 'One Chance', was that it was a look into the future of what was to come to our planet, our children and our race if we carried on with the wars, deaths and destructions around the world as it stands at the moment. Once I had recorded this song, It was listened to a few times, but then forgotten about. Its not my best work, but it taught me alot about how challenging it is to write a song with such a meaning behind it.

Knowing that september was fastly approaching, I decided to write something, with all of my emotions chucked in there, towards the 9/11 attacks in New York on the World Trade Centers. The track 'Heartache' was born. Fortunately, this was a much bigger success than 'One Chance'. Everybody that heard the song, gave me mega-positive feedback. I believe that because I used all of my emotions to write this song, I unlocked the secrets of writing a song that could be played over and over again without getting bored of it, and still be emotionally touched everytime that it is heard. This is the esteem boost that I needed, in order for Pink Reality to kick-off.

Shortly after 'Heartache' I wrote and recorded a song, featuring my younger brother Perry, mainly just for fun called 'By Your Side'. This track is all about the double-life of a mafia-member, but the wife finds out and his conscience plays tricks with him. Perry features as the voice of the conscience, so thanks for that Perry. Again it was not our best work, but well worth doing as a bit of fun, and it turned out as an alright sounding song with an upbeat and catchy hook to it. After that, a couple of months past without anything really being produced.

We hit the beginning of November and I decided that it was time to write a new track. This one, I wanted to sound unique to the other work I had done. I wanted to make it almost have a dreamy sound to it. This is when I wrote and recorded the song 'Wings Of An Angel' based on a girlfriend that I had at the time. At first, I didnt think the song would come to much but once it had been recorded and I heard it back, it was exactly was I looking for. Bingo. Another success in the making. I could tell that this was going to be as big as 'Heartache' and bigger. Again, I got some amazing feedback and decided to take the time over christmas without writing any songs and be with my family mostly to have a good time.

Christmas came and went, and before I knew it we were into 2009. In february 2009, just before my birthday, I wrote and recorded the track 'Wired!', which was inspired by my sudden boost of confidence in myself and my self esteem. All I can say about this track is that it has a grime genre sort of feel to it, and it has a lot of attitude with it.

The time had come. I felt the need to express my music through video. In early April 2009, I decided to organise and shoot a music video. 'Revelations' would have been too techinical, 'Wired!' would have probably been too violent, 'Heartache' would have been too cliche. Bright Idea. 'Wings Of An Angel' was the chosen track. Throughout the week of shooting the video, all that were involved had a lot of fun. I met a lot of new people, re-united with some old friends and jammed big-time with my current friends. Overall, it was a wicked time. The video was published on Myspace Video and Youtube on 11/04/2009.

Which brings us to now. I have recently recorded the track 'One Spliff' which is a very realistic, dark, dreamy sounding track emphasising the effects of smoking weed. Weed smokers would probably think its real funny, but hey? Whatever haha. Ive written 2 new tracks, which are being produced at the moment and I hope to have more coming out very soon. Thanks for reading and keep in touch.
  • Members:
    Scott Metcalfe
  • Sounds Like:
    Pink Reality
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  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/17/23 21:13:06

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