Pink Flag
  • Nancy Drew
  • 2 Cool 4 School
Comprised of Dork Flag, Lucky Flag and Sick Flag (Princess Ojiaku, Betsy Shane and Jessica Caesar), Pink Flag came together in a tin box in December of 2007, almost 30 years to the day after its namesake album was released. Pink Flag is more cult than band, more spice than sugar, more shout than whimper, but like the album, displays a method to its chaos, a virtuosity in its noisiness and a keen ear for hooks and song structure. They're a regular three girl rhumba dancing on the common ground of a love of early post-punk, riot grrl and top 40 of the 1990s. Their earnest approach to all subject matter and unabashedly campy live performances have been infectious for audiences. Pink Flag is devoted to good friends, good times and slumber parties and can't wait for you to become places and friends of PFLAG.
  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    Sleater-Kinney, Bikini Kill
  • Influences:
    wire, slits, the make up, sleater-kinney, maroon 5, blink 182
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/19/23 02:05:07

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