Ossie Dellimore
  • Rocker Reggae
  • Rocker Reggae
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What a breath of fresh air this album is: full-blooded, live instrument roots, a throwback to the golden age of The Wailers, Dennis Brown, and the rest. Even if not every song strikes your fancy, chances are you'll still be drawn in simply by the sound of it all. Freedom's Journal is crisp, electric, evocative, and inspirational.

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You may recall Ossie Dellimore from the solid Easy Star Volume One compilation. He contributed one of the best songs on that collection, "Time Has Come," a stirring, cautionary gem featuring two elements that make Freedom's Journal so exceptional: powerful vocals and masterful musicianship.

Many reviews that you read of Dellimore are likely to compare his unique singing voice to that of Peter Tosh, and rightly so (He even sings a song called "Down Pressor Man," although it's not the same as the Peter Tosh song.). His Tosh-like forceful baritone lends an air of militancy to his songs, a likeable edge that commands your attention.

Although this is his debut album, Dellimore's vocals are remarkably self-assured, as are his writing talents, as he penned and produced this entire album. Complementing his voice beautifully is the music, an invigorating, refreshing blast of undiluted roots reggae. There is an almost jazzy feel to the way the musicians jam, freely belting away guitar, organ, and piano riffs. A dub version of Freedom's Journal wouldn't be a wasted endeavor.

Though "Sharp As a Razor" has been released as a single, it's actually one of my least favorite tunes here (which could be an indication of how strong the album is). "Time Has Come" is still the best in my opinion, but coming close are "The System," "To the Limit," and "A Better Way."

I've said it before and I'll say it again: why aren't more songs like these on the so-called Strictly the Best and Reggae Gold compilations?

Taken From
Reggae Review
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