Note to Self
  • Collide
  • Play Dead
  • A Thousand Miles
  • Everything
  • Behind the Wheel
  • Just a Phase
  • The Water's Edge
  • Nothing Can Stop Us Now
  • Whiteout
  • Collide
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:14) [9.7 MB]
  • Play Dead
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (03:45) [8.57 MB]
  • A Thousand Miles
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:24) [10.09 MB]
  • Everything
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (03:42) [8.49 MB]
  • Behind the Wheel
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:04) [9.31 MB]
  • Just a Phase
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (02:47) [6.38 MB]
  • The Water's Edge
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:53) [11.16 MB]
  • Nothing Can Stop Us Now
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:27) [10.2 MB]
  • Whiteout
    Genre: Alternative Rock
    MP3 (04:50) [11.08 MB]
Note to Self are not heroes. They just do heroic things. Have you ever witnessed the birth of a colt during a complete solar eclipse? Seen the aurora borealis through a waterfall on the mighty Amazon? These are but everyday occurrences when set next to the behemoth of an experience that is Note to Self. Men have lived and died without even dreaming of the likes of the emotions that they evoke with wave upon wave of complexity. “Music” is too pedestrian a word to use to describe the ecstasy that they bring with their voices and instruments. And “humble” is too proud a word to describe the attitude with which they work. Their sound transcends who they are, as they have liberated music from the constraints of the simple social constructs which Note to Self are above.

Seriously, though…

Too often music becomes all about the artists and their abilities. Note to Self have no such pretenses. They claim to be nothing other than a group of guys that intensely enjoy good music. To them, trying to make good music is just a natural extension of that. The result is music that speaks to each of our experiences in thoughtful lyrics and passionate performances. The many layers of their songs reveal their broad range of influences and a sound that is uniquely theirs. Ultimately, their goal isn’t to stand in the limelight, but to make music as their day jobs. Because after all, don’t we all strive to do what we love?
  • Members:
    Ben Erickson, Jason Schrader, Scott Wedemeyer, Chris Reinhardt
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
    Coldplay, Radiohead, Guster, Snow Patrol
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/17/23 23:13:23

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