Michele Ari
  • My Sleeping Beauty
  • 85th And Nowhere
  • Pretty
  • My Sleeping Beauty
    Genre: Rock
    MP3 (04:18) [9.85 MB]
  • 85th And Nowhere
    Genre: Rock
    MP3 (03:12) [7.32 MB]
  • Pretty
    Genre: Rock
    MP3 (04:58) [11.38 MB]
Michele Ari is an artist of considerable standing. She’s one of those open and honest people who wear their hearts firmly on their sleeves in the name of their art. Her incredible debut album "85th and Nowhere" had not only her homeland of America enraptured, it also caused genuine excitement throughout Europe.

Respected music reviewers from revered music publications had nothing but genuine praise for her debut effort. The Swedish music press described her work as "a confident collection of songs musically reminiscent of Nick Lowe's early 80’s sound." In Scotland the press mused that she "has a capability to evoke countless emotions" and "an intensity of unquestionable depth." The career dictating London journos were impressed enough to write "sounding like Deborah Harry did when she was at her best in the 80’s." "85th and Nowhere" also drew this comment courtesy of the "Manila Standard" in the Philippines: "probably one of the most important artists that you have not heard yet." These quotes, and so many others, are genuine snippets from reviews by people who have been in the business long enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.

More evidence of Michele Ari’s talent:

* An invitation to perform at London’s International Film and Poetry Festival alongside Patti Smith.

* "1,000 Kisses" named song of the year by a WMNF disk jockey.

* The inclusion of her songs on American and European radio play lists.

* On the 3rd of June, 2007 Michele was declared the winner when she went up against another unsigned artist on one of the UK’s farthest reaching radio stations, Moray Firth Radio. Michele received 100% of the listener votes, only the second unsigned artist to receive such an overwhelming response in the history of the show. Conclusion? That Ari is what this world has been waiting for.

* In 2009, not even two years after her arrival to Nashville, Tennessee, Michele was nominated by the editors of Deli Magazine (Nashville, LA, NY, SF, Chicago) for their "Artist of the Month" poll. She went on to win by a landslide in one of the world's most important hot-spots for music.

Michele is a catalyst for these times. Her voice is no fluke, her talent is as natural as the seasons and her grasp of song writing is uncanny. She remains a much needed transfusion of new blood for the veins of a genre quickly running out of ideas and direction. Half the world is unaware of her existence and the other half is unable to keep the secret! Expect many ‘I discovered her first’ claims when she finally strolls onto the map that will place her alongside many other luminaries of this fickle industry. Don’t take the word of the press, or the actions of a country. Find out for yourself and be privy to the worst kept secret, but the best bet for success, this music industry currently has to offer.

  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
  • Influences:
    Late 70's/early 80's new wave/alt/punk
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/17/23 06:13:10

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