Jon Shabaglian
  • Heart and Soul
  • Have You Encountered
  • Stay Near to God
Jon Shabaglian has always had a love for music, even from a very early age. Jon lives in Fresno, California and is not only a talented Christian recording artist, but is also a worship leader at New Harvest Church in Fresno, California.

Throughout his adolescent years Jon sang in several choirs, boy bands and acapella groups. However, it wasnt until High School that he finally decided he needed to teach himself how to play piano so that he could sing as well as play. This began the birth of his first wave of songwriting. Combined with what God was doing in his heart internally, these laid the foundation for his future ministry.

In his early college years, Jon traveled with a missionary band called Lightstream for two summers to Australia as lead vocalist and keyboardist. During this time is when his heart for the music industry was deepened, and the desire to sing and preach the gospel grew deep as a passion and personal life mantra.

After Lightstream, Jon became a music intern at Peoples Church in Fresno where he lead worship twice a week and oversaw multiple worship teams. During this time Jon became the lead singer and keyboardist of a Christian rock band for 3 years called Return. Return released its first album in 2000 and played throughout California for venues like Spirit West Coast (A Christian music festival attracting approximately 60,000 people annually) and concerts with other bands such as Switchfoot, Tree 63, Pax217, Larue, etc.

In Spring of 2002, Jon graduated with Cum Laude honors from Fresno State University with a Bachelors of Arts in Music. It was this same summer that he was married to his girlfriend of 3 years and became the worship leader for a large church in Fresno, New Harvest Church. Jon was affirmed as a licensed minister and for 4 years has been leading worship on Sundays and pastoring his worship teams. Since leading at New Harvest, he has had wonderful opportunities to assist in the creation and performances of large Christmas and Easter productions that draw in thousands of people in the community each year.

Jon and his wife also began a young adults group called Mercy Street in 2005 that they lead weekly. After a long road of song writing, many concert invitations, and a very dedicated fan base, Jon recorded his first solo project Stay Near. Jon was connected with Quinlin, a three time Grammy nominated & four time Dove award winning producer and songwriter. Jon flew to Nashville to record with some of the best musicians and engineers in the industry. Released in May of 2006, the reviews have been outstanding (read CD Babys review below) and has already sold nearly 1000 copies and is booking a Southern California Tour this summer.

In all of the opportunities and achievements, Jons passion is simply to take Gods hand and peoples hand, and put them together. And we pray that his music will continue to be apart of that Kingdom work.

CD Baby Feature
Reviewer: Tamara Turner, CD Baby
With a gorgeously luscious curve reminiscent of Stevie Wonder in both the vocals and the nimble, pliable textural gestures of modern soul, Jon Shabaglian weaves his way through a wet mix of R&B, dream pop, rock and contemporary urban without drawing attention to any one sound world. He subtly dips his brush in three-dimensional, fractal-like harmonies and pointedly-directed, sinus-clearing melodies but for all the breadth he encompasses in style, texture and approach, there is a simple, no-fluff personality to his music. It's important to mention that Stay Near focuses on the Christian message of new life and Godly living, yet whether or not all of his listeners see eye to eye on this front, it's hard, if not impossible, to deny a man with such conviction, talent and passion without at least giving the disc a few spins. For those who are looking for an addition to their CCM library, this album will just make it harder to buy the next one; so few Christian albums compare in quality, integrity and commitment to the music.

  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    Stevie Wonder-Bryan Duncan-Maroon 5
  • Influences:
    Hillsongs, Michael Jackson, The Cross Movement & Boys II Men
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 15:09:39

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