Joe Hand
  • Settlin' Down
  • Million Million Years
  • Good Woman
  • In the Ground
  • Storyteller
  • Best Year Ever
  • Child is God
  • New You
With a burst of musical and spiritual energy, Joe Hand wears many hats. As a record producer, engineer, songwriter, artist, entertainer, multi-instrumentalist and counselor, Joe’s versatile personality is sure to capture your attention.

As a producer and recording engineer for 20 years, this New York native has worked with top recording artists Linkin Park, John Michael Talbot, Barry McGuire, Mason Proffit, Muriel Anderson, and others.

Joe’s fascination with music was refined considerably early in his life. His musical training began at the age of 7 when his parents bought a piano for his older brother. “My brother, Shaun, took lessons, but it became obvious I wanted time at the keys,” laughed Joe. “Shaun took up guitar and I stuck with the piano.” For Joe, learning to play piano was insufficient. He could not get enough music. Three years later, he mastered the bass guitar and saxophone and later played in the school band and had a rock band with his brother. While growing up, he watched a lot of artists in the recording studios and instantly became hooked. “I said to myself, ‘I want to do THAT!’”

With a variety of musical influences like the Beatles, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Billy Joel, Boston, Aerosmith, Miles Davis, Elvis, Motown and Paul Simon, Joe enjoys “anything that’s good.” He claims, “Style doesn’t matter. Honesty and quality matters to me.”

He continued on to receive a degree in Production and Engineering with a minor in Arranging and Performance from the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. After Berklee, Joe opened his first studio when he was 22 and “this was a great experience to be around musicians who were the best from just any part of the world,” states Joe. “It really challenged me and taught me that if I could do well in the studio, I could do just about anything, anywhere, musically speaking.”

Joe moved to Nashville in 1999. With the help of a friend, he installed and trained others with Protools (Digital Audio Software). “There weren’t many people in Nashville at that time who knew ProTools,” claimed Joe. With Joe’s knowledge and skills, he instantly became the talk of the town and was high in demand to assist others. “I enjoyed hanging out with some heavy musicians, artists and producers,” Joe proclaims.

After a 10 year run as a top engineer in Nashville recording studios, Joe moved to central Florida where he now entertains and composes music when he isn’t leading contemporary worship for the North Lake Presbyterian in Lady Lake, FL. He is married to the talented Jean Ann and their poodle, Boo Radley, is never too far from their side. He has also recorded his own music and sold tens of thousands of copies throughout US and Canada, including his latest recording, Songs Famous People Should Sing. He continues to produce music in Nashville, perform in cities across the country and promotes emotions of all types for those who are willing to share in his journey. Joe strongly believes in the importance of purity and soul in music. “Music is communication and hopefully, it is conveying the same emotions, desires, dreams and hopes it always has!”
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/15/23 04:22:41

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