Inquisitor Betrayer
  • Smok Wawelsk
  • Vexillum
  • Childhood's End
Known world wide, Inquisitor Betrayer brings to the music world full use of Synthesizers to Actual Instruments in use on their tracks. So well engineered, it is often hard to tell the actual instruments from the synthesized versions, “Is it live or …”?

Inquisitor Betrayer uses all manner of technology to bring the listener into the soundscapes created. Many fans report they hear different things each time they play each track. And with good reason. The music is built upon multiple layers. Some layers are right up front, others are more subdued or can only be heard using headphones or through various speaker combinations. Most tracks utilize a time spatial approach to make the sounds move about. Something very similar to the use of sonic holography.

The main driving force behind Inquisitor Betrayer is Dale Kay.
Dale Kay has spent a good deal of his life in electronics, computers and music. It is not with out reason he has taken those three and combined them into clever ways to compose, arrange and produce some of the best examples of Electronica today. Using such diverse styles created by the Masters from the 60’s and 70’s, he continues to push the envelope further.

Every effort is made to use actual real instruments. Often the real instruments are further defined with the use of synthesizers and effects. Often listeners will make discoveries from the listening experience. Often Dale will sample a real instrument and twist it into something entirely far beyond its traditional use. These facts make Inquisitor Betrayer a true pioneer in this genre.

Joining Dale on his musical journey is his wife, solo recording artist and singer songwriter, Lorraine Kay. Known primarily as one of the earliest Christian rock and roll artists in the early days of Christian Rock and Roll, Lorraine contributes additional keyboard parts and original compositions to the group.

Inquisitor Betrayer’s other band members are an eclectic group of accomplished musicians lending their talents to IB’s music. To keep things fresh, IB gathers a variety of musicians for each track for a unique experience. Building on Dale’s original compositions, each guest musician adds something different to help make each track come alive with flavor and energy.

Inquisitor Betrayer can be found across the Internet and in record stores around the world in such genres as New Age, Jazz Funk Electronica, Berlin Style, Symphonic Electronica, Electronic Music, Synthesizer, Psychedelic, Ambient, Soundcapes and other areas similar.

Inquisitor Betrayer uses CD Baby to allow many fans world wide to procure their music. Downloads are available through iTunes (see iMixes too) as well. Many record shops worldwide are able to order IB’s CDs through SuperD Distribution Program.

Inquisitor Betrayer’s music has made its appearance in many local cable spots (commercials), over the air radio and Internet radio, TV series (both planned and live today) and many Independent Films. Working closely with Music Supervisors and Producers throughout the film and television industry IB is available to create project specific tracks as well as making its ever-growing library of original tracks available for ease of use.

A very "Indie" friendly band, Inquisitor Betrayer often works with other independent bands, solo artists and students to help them get work out as well in its state-of-the-art studio. IBs studio is among the best developed in the area, always upgrading and keeping on the cutting edge of technology. Very capable to produce not only the genre’s Inquisitor Betrayer is know for, but many others too, including Blues, Classic Rock, R & B, voice over and many other special needs per project. In the interest of creating memorable music, Dale Kay, himself, avails himself to the recording process as engineer.
  • Members:
    Dale Kay
  • Sounds Like:
    Tangerine Dream Alan Parsons JM Jarre Larry Fast Hawkwind
  • Influences:
    Tangerine Dream Alan Parsons JM Jarre Larry Fast Hawkwind
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 17:18:15

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