  • Isqueiro de Nero
INVENTO is a band that was born in Brazil, Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, around January/2006. On that period, Leonardo Laruccia (drums) and Eric Roland (bass) started do create the first details of the band. In January/2007, Roberto Galluzzi (lead guitar) joins the band, that was finally completed later, in 2008, with the arrive of Victor Medeiros (vocals, acoustic guitars and rhythms guitars).

This four people, together, gave one big influence to the music’s that were composed. The sound has one clear pop/rock style, engaged with particularities that the musicians could offer.

The next step was the records. The band entered on studio, for a lot of records sessions, which started in august/2007, and keep following today. The supervision of the musical producer Jam Penitenti during this period has been important to adjust the final details of the music’s.

The final result of this work, has been showed trough solid music’s, with heavy characters, but, in the same time, without letting the melodic harmony. The music’s invites people to work their own interpretation, it goes inside their conscience to tell, on a different way, their life’s histories. On art, the most important thing is not the word that was wrote on the paper. The important, is the messages that goes inside these words, cause they transmits the truly intentions.

The band expects that you enjoy the work, which was made with deep passion and efforts. You can listen the music’s, and, if you wish, make the download.


Summer, 2009.
  • Members:
    Victor Medeiros (vocals), Roberto Galluzzi (eletric guitars, guitars), Vinícius Laruccia (eletric guitars, keyboards), Leonardo Laruccia (drums), Erick Laruccia (bass)
  • Sounds Like:
    Pop Rock
  • Influences:
    Oasis, The Strokes, Keane, ColdPlay, Barão Vermelho, Cazuza
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/14/23 14:54:28

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