Mitch Hayes - Gentle Man
  • Mitch Hayes - Don’t Have to Hide
  • Mitch Hayes - Gentle Man
  • Mitch Hayes - California Gold
  • Mitch Hayes - Carolina Calling
  • Mitch Hayes - What I Pretend
  • Mitch Hayes - Belly of The Beast
  • Mitch Hayes - Enemy
  • Mitch Hayes - Dear John
RADIO PROMOTION by Art Menius Radio
+1 443-605-4355

“It’s been in my heart for quite some time to record a more folk oriented album,” writes Mitch Hayes about his latest album, Gentle Man. “Few musical styles have the ability to reach into one’s soul, as folk music. I suppose it’s often referred to as roots music for a reason, it speaks to the core, the root, of the human experience. When I wrote my song ‘Gentle Man’ about my father shortly after he passed away, I knew I wanted it to be on my next album, and I knew I wanted it to be surrounded by songs of deep meaning and significance, songs that spoke to what it means to be human, to live this life filled with ups and downs, trials and tribulations, self-doubt and self-reflection.

“This isn’t necessarily a thematic album, though all of these songs in one way or another speak to the human condition, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. And it’s true that we’re all in this thing together so, we need to figure out a way to get along with each other. None of us are perfect, we all have our own issues to work through so we need to learn how to treat ourselves and others with some kindness and some grace. My dad was a man of faith who cared deeply for people and lived his life in service to others. I want this album to honor his legacy.”

Americana Highways premiered the video for "Belly of the Beast" on May 16 writing: “'Welcome to hell, in the belly of the beast.' Yeah, that’s intense. This growly, Tom Waits-like arrangement is murky and formidable and a powerful wake-up call. 'Hear the children crying ‘please make it go away’…. …I don’t need to tell you this is war.' This song was written during the dark days of COVID, but it could be for the children of Ukraine or analogous to so very much more going on in the world.”
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