Steve Alek - Peter Nunn
  • Funeral Song - Livin Without You
  • Funeral Song - Livin Without You
    Genre: Easy Listening
    MP3 (03:49) [8.72 MB]
This funeral song, entitled "Livin Without You" was conceived by Steve Alek in
early 2008 during a very difficult personal time for his family.
Steve's mother-in-law, Marilyn Maxey, had just been diagnosed with
terminal cancer and was given between 2 weeks and 6 months to live.
Steve was very close to his mother-in-law and, he was inspired and determined to create a song to give to
family and friends as a tribute to her life.

With Marilyn's imminent death fast approaching, Steve called his good
friend, Peter Nunn, a seasoned piano player who has performed with
Grammy-award-winning singers, and asked for his help. They exchanged
emails back and forth to mold and edit Steve's words into song form.
Peter then took what they had and built the song based upon the catchy
4-note melody Steve had initially sung to him over the phone.

Peter mentioned the project to Atilla Turi of Mainway Studios,
Burlington, ON, who suggested Peter ask their friend, Al Langlade, to
sing the song. Peter emailed Al in Thunder Bay, ON and Al answered
that he'd be happy to help out. So, Peter emailed his piano track to
Al along with the lyrics.

Within 4 hours, Al sent back a beautiful vocal rendition of the song,
mixed with Peter's piano track. Al and Peter both expected this was
just the beginning of their cyber-collaboration and that they'd be
sending files back and forth until they had a polished song ready for
Steve. To keep Steve in the loop, Peter sent him the rough demo. Steve
surprised both Al and Peter by saying he thought the song was just
perfect the way it was.

Sadly missed, Marilyn passed away on Valentine's Day, 2008. The song
was conceived, written, recorded and published on CD in the course of
a few days, just in time for distribution at the funeral.

Her spirit lives on: "Funeral Song - Livin Without You" was posted on
YouTube shortly after her funeral and surpassed 1 million YouTube
views in the Spring of 2011. It continues to touch the hearts of
thousands of new viewers every day
  • Members:
    Steve Alek - Peter Nunn - Al Langlade
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/16/23 23:53:45

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