Flight Crash Companion
  • Eff The Empire
  • They Tried To Break You, 2.0
  • Zombie Network Transmission
  • Eff The Empire
    Genre: A CD
    MP3 (04:42) [10.77 MB]
  • They Tried To Break You, 2.0
    Genre: A CD
    MP3 (05:59) [13.7 MB]
  • Zombie Network Transmission
    Genre: A CD
    MP3 (04:44) [10.85 MB]
Flight Crash Companion is the singular effort of washed up 80s rock star, Evan Eleven. The FCC sound refuses to be bound to any genre or scene, but remains, for the most part, dark, cynical, and electronic. In 2005, FCC was signed to Pompeii Records, and are currently working on a debut EP due out in Jan 2006. When not working on FCC, Evan can be found composing for TV, working on various software projects, playing drums in The Dirty OK, and talking about himself in the third person.
  • Members:
    Evan Eleven + Various Guests
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/15/23 16:46:42

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