  • I Am Salt
  • I Am Salt
    Genre: Christian Rap
    WAV (04:03) [40.86 MB]
B-Rob (Brian Robinson) is a Christian Hip-Hop artist and producer born and raised in Lynchburg, VA. B-Rob now resides in Madison Alabama (Huntsville)where he releases Christian Hip-Hop music through CrossLines Music.

B-Robs main agenda is to use his talents to Glorify God in every aspect possible while praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit to reach those who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Members:
  • Sounds Like:
    A CD
  • Influences:
  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    08/15/23 07:51:44

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Only radio accounts may add a Radio Cred. One week after the track has been downloaded the radio account member will receive an email requesting a Cred for each artist they've downloaded.