Hal Willis
  • Hal Willis (The Lumberjack)
  • Hal Willis (Late Too Early)
  • Hal Willis (Bring On The Girls)
  • Hal Willis (Nina)
  • Hal Willis (Let The Good Times Roll)
  • Hal Willis (What's Left Of Me)
  • Hal Willis (Everybody's Got Troubles)
  • Hal Willis (Dig Me A Hole)
  • Hal Willis (Walking Dream)
  • Hal Willis (Rain)
  • Hal Willis (Doggin' In The US Mail)
  • Hal Willis (Me, My Love And A Memory)
  • Hal Willis (Mary Selina)
  • Hal Willis (Crazy Little Heart)
  • Hal Willis (An Old, Old Custom)
  • Hal Willis (The Lumberjack)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:05) [4.77 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Late Too Early)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (03:04) [7.02 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Bring On The Girls)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:11) [5.02 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Nina)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:29) [5.7 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Let The Good Times Roll)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:43) [6.21 MB]
  • Hal Willis (What's Left Of Me)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:47) [6.38 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Everybody's Got Troubles)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:39) [6.08 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Dig Me A Hole)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:39) [6.09 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Walking Dream)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:38) [6.02 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Rain)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (01:59) [4.56 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Doggin' In The US Mail)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (01:55) [4.39 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Me, My Love And A Memory)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (03:42) [8.46 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Mary Selina)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (03:01) [6.93 MB]
  • Hal Willis (Crazy Little Heart)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (01:33) [3.56 MB]
  • Hal Willis (An Old, Old Custom)
    Genre: Country
    MP3 (02:32) [5.8 MB]

Will the real Hal Willis please stand up! I can barely ever recall anyone so versatile as HW. His clever stylings
Brought to mind so many class acts ranging from Horton to Robbins to Presley and many more. He’s an
Astonishing entertaining singer, A 101 genres inter-twine through his repertoire ranging from crooning to comedy to
Cajun to cowboy to country. So if you like your music a la diversity then this is for you. The tracks have been
Commendably produced in Nashville with a’who’s-who list of session legends. Mainstream conveyer belt release
It may be, but it should be sought out by the true-blue country devotee. The ‘easy listening tag confers injustice to
These progressive stylings of generally lesser known ditties paraded. He delivers with a tender heart and produces
Well –crafted, grassroots poetic art with a common chart-country touch. A most competent and compelling talent.
PAUL DAVIS www.pauldavisauthor.com


This double set of great original country songs is done remarkably well by the

Famous Hal Willis. Hal and his wife Ginger have been writing hit country songs

For some time now, and this double-dose of originals is pretty dam interesting,

And darn good. The couple doesn’t stint on studio musicians and back-up

Singers, using some of the best in Music City, The FCC’s new regulation of

Forcing radio stations to start playing more independent’ product should give

Hal a chance at getting into the radio royalty’ game which is where the majors

Have tied up all the money, even with non-hit material and non-hit artists.

That’s what’s wrong with country music today. Sound-alike music to fit

Sound-alike radio format that want all that sound-alike stuff to wind up in the

Pockets of the major labels and big music publishing companies. It’s a pity,

Because America is filled with tremendous gifted and talented singers and

Songwriters….HAL & GINGER WILLIS….and some equally gifted singers…

HAL WILLIS. His voice has a little Hank Thompson tinge to it, but the growl is

All his own. I hear these great CD’s and sit here in wonder and awe at my

Typewriter, wondering what in hell is wrong with the music ‘business’ that

Overlooks, hides, won’t play, won’t pay, won’t recognize, won’t listen to the

Incredible original music and music makers of America. If I could control the

Strings that control the business you can bet Hal Willis would be my number

One pick for great and unique country music chart buster. I loved hearing

Charlie McCoy on “ An Old Old Custom “ mostly because Charlie is scheduled

To be at our Missouri Festival this year to be inducted into “ America’s Old

Time Country Music Hall of Fame.” You come see us too Hal, We’ll have

Around 600 performers in the 7-days we do it, and most of them are looking

For good songs. Terry Smith who wrote “ Far Side Of Jordan “ comes every

Year, and every year he places some of his material. So will you. Enjoy Your

“ Bucca bucca boo boo hicka hicka shooky shooky stuff. FUN.


P.O. BOX 279

Madison , TN , 37115 e-mail>> lumber1933@comcast.net
  • Members:
    Hal Willis
  • Sounds Like:
    Hal Willis
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  • AirPlay Direct Member Since:
  • Profile Last Updated:
    10/07/24 11:56:48

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