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25 Maggie Young

Maggie Young Maggie Young

» A CD
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
26 Matt Mayhem

Matt Mayhem Matt Mayhem

» Bryan Adams, Stevie Nicks, Don Henley, Bruce Dickinson
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
27 nebo

nebo nebo

» Snowpatrol, Coldplay and Scisser Sisters all rolled into one
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
28 Nine Lies

Nine Lies Nine Lies

» A CD
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
29 numinous

numinous numinous

» A CD
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
30 Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy Paul Murphy

» A CD
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
31 Paul Reilly

Paul Reilly Paul Reilly

» A CD
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
32 Phil Walton

Phil Walton Phil Walton

» Jim Morisson, Robert Wyatt, Ian Curtis, Human League, the 'canterbury sound'
» EUROPE: United Kingdom :Northern Ireland
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