

Posted on January 24, 2017

AirPlay Direct is the premiere secure digital file transfer system for the music industry, and is the largest independent radio distribution network globally with a national and international reach of over 10,000+ radio station members and over 40,000 artist / record label members.

AirPlay Direct has created a special award to honor the innovators who have openly embraced digital innovation in the music industry.  The AirPlay Direct “Iconic Innovators” Award is presented annually to the member of AirPlay Direct that best embraces the vision and opportunities that digital innovation in the Music Industry continues to create.

As an integral component to the “Iconic Innovators” Award, AirPlay Direct honors and grants the recipient with a $50,000, 1 year AirPlay Direct “Marketing & Awareness” Campaign for their record label, publishing company, or as an artist with deep catalogue.  This annual program is strategically structured to release 1 new artist CD, and 9 catalogue titles consistently every month for a year via AirPlay Direct.

Bruce Iglauer, President & Founder Alligator Records / 1st AirPlay Direct "Iconic Innovator" Award Recipient:  "Alligator Records is an award winning, 43-year-old independent record label specializing in blues and roots music.  Over the years, our business has expanded worldwide, and it’s become a necessity for us to be able to deliver music to broadcast and internet radio stations in the U.S., Canada, South America, UK, Europe, Asia and Australia.

The costs of shipping so many promotional artist packages around the world are considerable for a company of our size.  AirPlay Direct has proven to be “the solution” for us.  In using APD’s service to make the Alligator Records catalog available to radio stations and programmers globally, we have saved thousands of dollars in shipping fees and increased our global radio digital footprint significantly.

In addition, AirPlay Direct has consistently delivered information about our music and our artists to radio stations around the world, which has been a critical component in the success of our marketing efforts.  AirPlay Direct’s Executive Team has always provided us great personal service.  We wish all our suppliers / partners were this concerned about helping us grow our business!

I continue to be proud of the fact that I was AirPlay Direct’s 1st ever ‘Iconic Innovator'.  Digital delivery of music to radio globally, is not only the future of the music industry, but it is a very important component of our day-to-day business strategy.  We anticipate that our business with AirPlay Direct will continue to grow dramatically.  We are honored to recommend AirPlay Direct to anyone in the music industry.”

~ Bruce Iglauer, President & Founder – Alligator Records

As we all know, catalogue now outsells new releases domestically and internationally.  The term "catalogue" refers to albums released more than 18 months ago.  According to Nielsen's annual year end music report, catalogue albums outsold current releases by 4.3 million copies, something never before seen in the industry.  Just 10 years ago, current music sales outpaced catalogue music by over 150 million albums.

If you believe you know a potential “Iconic Innovator” and would like to nominate them, or you would like to nominate yourself, please feel forward to recommend that person by forwarding an e-mail to Lynda Weingartz at explaining why you believe this professional should be selected to receive AirPlay Direct’s “Iconic Innovator” Award for 2017.

We recommend that you make your nominations quickly, as we are already receiving nominations for consideration. Deadline for nomination submissions is February 15th at 5pm CST.

With fine regards,

AirPlay Direct Executive Team

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