We are pleased to present the 20th issue of the Direct Buzz which features Rounder Records recording artist Della Mae on our cover. This is a very talented group of young ladies that will simply amaze you with their musicality and charm.
Our “Behind The Desk” feature this month celebrates the career and accomplishments of Nancy Cardwell, Executive Director, IBMA / International Bluegrass Music Association.
Our “Writers Round” focuses on singer / songwriter Clay DuBose and his beautiful song “Too Far From Heaven”. This song was released on Clay’s Lazy River Records CD “Rewriting History”... and is one of my personal favorites.
“The Indie Way” is full of tips on the importance of a promotion budget and how to create one. Our column “Three Questions for Radio,” hosts an interview with AirPlay Direct radio member Greg Torrington, Galaxie / Stingray Digital.
The TAPS organization is our July issue “Beyond The Song” feature. This is a wonderful cause worthy of all our support and donations.
“Killer Tracks” reviews the latest releases by Peter Nostrand, R.E.M. and Sarah Gayle Meech, while “Featured Artists” reveals the 10 winners of our “Buzz About You” artist competition. Back by popular demand is our column “Now Media,” which focuses on how to use AirPlay Direct more effectively for all our artist members.
As we start preparation of our September issue, I’m excited with the number one goal of delivering to you our best issue ever. Just like AirPlay Direct, the Direct Buzz operates on the principal of a level playing field for all. If you are an artist with a new CD, a record label with a new release, a radio station affiliate, a new equipment company or service provider to the industry, let us hear from you. Tell us about it, share your thoughts and give us your input.
A special thanks to all of our partners, advertisers and members. Also a salute of gratitude goes out to all of our great writers and content providers, and most of all, thank you for taking the time to read and enjoy the Direct Buzz!
Lynda Weingartz – Associate Editor - the Direct Buzz
For more information about the Direct Buzz, please contact Lynda Weingartz at: lynda@airplaydirect.com