Secret Of The Rohna
"So many books have been written and movies and TV documentaries made about the events of World War II. How could it be that America’s worst wartime disaster at sea was kept from widespread public knowledge, even from the families whose sons were killed and whose bodies never recovered? Such was the case for my family. My mother, Madrid, lost one of her eight brothers, Ralph Tucker, in the sinking of the Rohna - one of the first-ever successful hits by a guided missile. A total of 1,015 men died that day. Sixty-four years after the fact, during the summer of 2007, my family finally learned the details of my uncle’s death. For a while, we were hopeful that he’d been buried in the American cemetery in Tunisia, like some of the others whose bodies were recovered. But we found his name there among those listed as 'lost at sea.'"(Wood Newton)