Deep water
I’m in deep water, out of control
Right on the verge of losing my soul
The referee counting, is waiting for me to get up

The water is troubled, and so is my head
My legs aren’t moving, as heavy as lead
I just keep on sinking, there must be a way to emerge

There are days, you keep moving around
Looking for shelter, a place safe and sound
A place where people still care, at least so it seems

All these tales , oh so good to be true
And in the end, it’s just me falling through
And in times of despair, there’s nobody there

Just convalescing, I took a blow
I never had thought I would sink that low
Been losing my ego, it must be somewhere down in me

Can anyone help me, just to pull me out
Out of the wilderness, I’m yelling out loud
I feel like the abandoned boy in the book by Malot

There are days, you keep moving around
Looking for shelter, a place safe and sound
A place where people still care, at least so it seems

All these tales , oh so good to be true
And in the end, it’s just me falling through
And in times of despair, there’s nobody there