07_Golden Rule
Feeling, ooooh so low
Searching, everywhere I know
For answers, why are we so cruel?
Why some people, forget the Golden Rule
Here we go… Now it’s ok to be kind
Leave hate behind
Do onto others, as you would have
It’s ok to be kind
Rest your troubled mind
Do onto others, as you would have them do unto you
Unto you… The Golden Rule
Sadness, deep within my heart
Why are we so close, but so apart?
Putting others, others down
Why’s it matter, who wears the crown?
Now it’s ok to be kind, leave hate behind
Do onto others, yeah…
It’s ok to be kind, rest your troubled mind
Do onto others, as you would have them…
It’s ok to be kind, let love be what you find
Do onto others, as you would have them
Do unto you… Golden Rule