Sharon Glassman - Spring Or Fall
Spring or Fall
©2014, Sharon Glassman

I could fall for you like a sack of potatoes
Like a big sack of potatoes in the fall.
But if I fall for you like a sack of potatoes
who will plant potatoes in the mall?

I can’t fall for you baby, I can’t fall for you at all
I can’t fall for you baby, I can’t fall for you at all
I’ll take a step and then some others, think a thought, have
my druthers. But I won’t fall.

Oh, the weeping willow’s weeping
Rip Van Winkle’s sleeping
They both do what they were born to do
But when it comes to me. Oh say now can you see?
I’m wanna take the slow train home with you.

I will not fall I will not fall...

You can ask any soap bubble,
"What’s the use of all the trouble
To fly high like a rainbow if you pop?"
There’s a million useful uses
for a heart that’s free of bruises
We could hop, hop hop hop hop

But let’s not fall. Let’s not fall...

Oh, the scarecrow’s hair grow yellow
He’s such a sunny fellow
Standing in his chosen homegrown field
But as the evenings shorten
He’s feeling less important
Will he yield? Yield? Yield yield yield?

Or will he fall?
Will he fall?
Will he fall?

Spring or fall?