I Can Feel It
Would you mind it very much this year if we forget about a tree?
And leave the tinsel on the shelf tucked next to the ornaments beneath the color wheel...
No traffic jams
No One day sales
Let's think about the times before
We wrapped up all our dreams
In silk and satin ribbons
colored cellophane
And it's barely Halloween!
Could we think about spending the time on our knees
instead of joining the crowds who shove and mob each other in the streets?
No one is looking in each other's eyes
No hugs when they greet...
No, let's not get a tree this year
instead let's plant the seed.

Scatter the season with love and dig deep beneath the skin.
Wanna feel my heart bloom just like that Yuletide rose so fragrant
If I can--

It is simple enough to say Merry Christmas but not realize the gift that lives in you.
Don't want to get nuthin' this year
Just wanna BE THE PROOF.

I can feel it--
the sun inside
I can feel it--
the roots are stretching out
I can feel it--
won't you open your eyes and see the joy
I can feel it--
Beyond the Winter's snow
I can feel it--
Beyond the Auld Lang Syne
I can feel it--
That sweet valentine
I can feel it--

And this year when we end this prayer and rise to our feet
We'll look above and see the branches overhead...