Fake News

Fake News! Fake News! Fake News! Fake News!

1500 newspapers. 9000 radio stations
1000 magazines. And 1600 TV stations
And all the tinseltown movie studios
Are owned by six corporations
That’s how they control your mind

Fake News! Fake News! CNN
Fake News! Fake News! NBC

People believe what the TV tells them
Busy little bees buy what commercials sell them
No one ever went broke underestimating the brains
Of the American public
That’s how they control your mind

Fake News! Fake News! NY Times
Fake News! Fake News! Washington Post

If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed
If you read the newspaper you’re misinformed!

That’s how they control, that’s how they control
That’s how they control your mind

Fake News! Fake News! CNN
Fake News! Fake News! Washington Post
Fake News! Fake News! CIA
Fake News! Fake News!

That’s how they control your mind

Fake News!