When the Redbud Blooms
When winter bows it's hoary head,
Spring rushes forth in it's stead,
"Summer's just ahead," it said,
When the Redbud blooms, the redbud blooms.

When the Redbud Blooms, the Redbud blooms.
Still each spring the Redbud blooms.

A woody plant without much form,
it's brances bare and so forlorn,
Like a king in scarlet it's adorned,
When the Redbud blooms, the Redbud blooms.

When the Redbud blooms, the Redbud blooms,
Still each spring the Redbud blooms.

Now we all know these buds won't last,
Nature's beauty changes fast.
In this life all things must pass,
Yet each spring the Redbud blooms

When the Redbud Blooms, the Redbud blooms.
Yet still each spring the Redbud blooms.