When the Redbud Blooms
"When the Redbud Blooms" is an adaptation of a lyric and melody one of our fans, Ron Fletcher from West Virginia wrote decades ago. Originally a waltz, Ron gave us permission to change the melody in places and change the harmony. JFS also adapted the song from 3/4 to 4/4 for a fast bluegrass feel.

The song came to us at the last minute in the recording process. Two days before the final tracking session, we met Ron at a farmers convention we were playing in West Virginia. An aging man, he approached the band and told us that he had written a bluegrass song decades ago and that it would be one of his life long wishes to have someone record a version of it. Ron doesn't play an instrument and hasn't written many songs. He said this one came to him on a warm spring day many years ago. He sang it for us right there on the spot and we immediately asked him if we could record it.