Humble Song

I will pray, to the Most High
In the only way, that I know how
With a humble song, I will try
To show my faith, and let it ring out loud

But as I go walking, through this crazy world
It ain’t always easy, to walk with grace
Cause I will stumble, and fall down to my knees
And I will lose sight of the way

But if I keep on walking, and get back on my feet
Even when I’m feeling so alone
If I keep my heart wide, and I keep my wits keen
I know I’ll find, a way to go


So if I let my heart break, and I let the tears come
Even when it hurts so bad I can hardly stand
If I use the pain there, to turn and face the mirror
I’ll take a good hard look at what I need to understand

And if I keep on working, and I keep on leaning in
I keep on giving all I know how to give that’s good
I’ll be triumphant here, over my weakness and fears
And become the kind of man I know I could