A Christmas Disaster
Written by Jimmy Joe Natoli December 2011

Chrissie and Jimmy Joe had the great honor of working with a group of people with early-stage Alzheimer's and memory loss. Part of their program included a variety of creativity workshops, and the Natolis were asked to lead a 12-week session of songwriting. It went so well they returned to repeat the workshop several more times! They would have each participant free-write on a suggested topic. Then, during the class, they would take turns as each person read what they'd written and shared some of their favorite styles of music. One by one, Jimmy Joe and Chrissie put the words to music and helped craft the stories into songs that they recorded and compiled for the entire class at the end of the session.

One year, the workshop commenced in the late fall and they decided to write holiday songs. This song was based on the memories of a woman named Mary Lou. Years later, when it came time to record the album and this song was chosen to be included, the Natolis tried to find Mary Lou, but none of the past coordinators could remember or find record of her. If anyone recognizes this story and knows Mary Lou, please let us know!

Vocals: Chrissie Natoli
Ukulele and toy piano: Jimmy Joe Natoli