Minds on the Fall
Minds on the Fall
Words and Music Written by Terry Cuddy

We rode the darker wave then
No, I do not have regrets
The plans we dreamt up
We were stopped
In our own tracks

It’s the way things are that change
Though I think of you everyday
And I know your thoughts come here
What we destroyed was not in vain

In the summer sunshine
Our minds were on the Fall
Of empty empires
and their shopping malls

If it’s partners and crime they want
I’m afraid they’rea little late
My friend you’re out the door
You live in another state

So we knocked on hell’s gate
To see what’s goin’ down
And when no one answered
We proceeded to pound

Oh, don’t call it giving up
I’m just staying underground
Beneath the ashes and the ruins
Of this forsaken town.