Help My Unbelief
Who is Jesus, that I should give my life to Him, walk away from my sins?
Who is Jesus? Did He really die for me, on a cross at Calvary?
Was He raised from the tomb on that Easter morn?
Does He love me, and should I wait for His return?

Help my unbelief, make my faith strong,
Lead me to the light, where all truth comes from.
Help me believe, I want to believe.

Who is Jesus? Is He God or just a man, my brother or a friend?
Who is Jesus? Did He make the blind to see, is He reaching out to me?
Can I really know without touching His hands?
Are the answers there, I want to understand.


Let the seed of faith grow in my heart,
Let it testify of truth, Let this darkness depart.

Now I know Jesus, I’ll give my life to Him. I’ll walk away from sin.
I know Jesus, He really died for me on a cross at Calvary.
He was raised from a tomb on that Easter morn.
I know He loves me and I’ll wait for His return.



I do believe.