Operator/Jesus on the Mainline/I Don't Know What You Come to Do
Track 12
traditional; new lyrics by Louise Robinson, arrangement by Carol Maillard, Louise Robinson
re: uptempo spiritual.
One of the most uptempo numbers on the CD, this medley of three traditional gospel songs asks a telephone operator (remember them?) for information on how to get Jesus on the line. Fat, dancing bass, spirited handclaps, a wreath of sweet, jazzy backing vocals.
Liner notes:
"Sometimes life is so overwhelming and all tangible
resources are either unavailable or inaccessible. We are then reminded that we always have a higher source of Power that we can call on. Known to many, by many
different names but is the same One Almighty Power.
In this medley we call on the name of Jesus."

Carol Maillard, Louise Robinson: lead vocals
Romeir Antonio Mendez: electric bass