Everybody Needs a Little Help
Everybody Needs a Little Help

Everybody, Everybody, Everybody
Needs a little help sometime
(Line repeats throughout the song)

I took a trip down to Key West to chill a while and get some rest
I took a walk there in their park, this old Jamaican man played guitar
sang.....Everybody, everybody etc.

I put a five spot in his jar and headed down to the corner bar
ordered up a glass of red but that song kept pounding in my head
sang.....Everybody, everybody etc.

I saw a guitar on the stage, I picked it up and started to play.
as soon as I began that song , why, everybody sang along
sang.....Everybody, everybody etc.

If everybody thought like me imagine what the world could be.
There'd be no need for war and guns if everybody helped everyone
sing.....Everybody, everybody etc.

Every civilization's judged by how they treat their weakest ones
do they help each other get along, are the weak uplifted by the strong
Cause.....Everybody, everybody etc.