A Tom Waits-sister kinda song in Dminor, about boldly going through the part of town (or life) where you need your eyes open, your courage mustered and ... it's all so exciting despite the chance of danger.

Vocals: Sharon Glassman
Guitars: Rich Moore
Bass: Eric Thorin
Violin: Paul Kiteck
Piano, Prepared Piano: Eric Moon
Pedal Steel: Glenn Taylor
Drums, Prepared Piano: Marc Dalio

One of 12 original songs from songwriting novelist Sharon Glassman's new CD, which soundtracks her novel-with-songs BLAME IT ON HOBOKEN.

(Sinatra Centennial is 2015)
The book sets a quirky modern love story and music-fueled mystery in Frank Sinatra's hometown and Manhattan.

You can read a sample of the book and find out more at