Love Is a Cross and Three Nails
Love is a Cross and Three Nails
© 2011 Shannon Slaughter – Elite Circuit Music & Mark “Brink” Brinkman
Desperate and hungry, six months out of work / It had been many years since I stepped inside a church
Tears came from nowhere as I said “Sir answer me this / In a world so full of hate, can you tell me what love is?”
He said..”Faith is believing without seeing / Hope’s an anchor in life’s raging sea
Peace is what we pray for in our lifetime / Forgiveness, a place called Calvary
The Spirit is a quiet strength within us / A hand that guides us every time we fail
Grace is a gift so undeserving / Love is a cross and three nails
He said, “ This world is a cruel place, it can fill you full of doubt / Life can grind you down, turn you around, and then wear you out
God won’t pave smooth path, but he’ll guide you on the way / Take heart in these modest words and you won’t go astray.”
Just then I hit my knees and prayed a sinner’s prayer
When I rose the old man was no longer standing there
Angels walk among us with a spirit strong enough
To heal our lives with mercy; pouring out their love
The Spirit is a quiet strength within us / A hand that guides us every time we fail
Grace is a gift so undeserving / Love is a cross and three nails”