"Reaper" is a hauntingly beautiful composition that showcases the mesmerizing fusion of classical and bluegrass music. The combination of the octave mandolin and baritone violin creates a unique and evocative sound, invoking a sense of both fear and quiet inevitability. With its dark, contemplative passages and a bridge that delves into the more sinister aspects of death, "Reaper" captures the essence of the human experience and our relationship with mortality. It is a testament to the exceptional artistry of Scroggins and Rose, blending their technical expertise and emotive storytelling to create a truly captivating musical narrative.

Cover Photo © Yelena Zhavoronkova
Cover Design By Anna Jane Lester

released July 21, 2023

Alisa Rose // Baritone Violin
Tristan Scroggins // Octave Mandolin
Jason O'Connell // Engineer
Cody Todd // Mastering