Go Out and Play
Rock’n the extreme folk, the song GO OUT AND PLAY is a rallying cry for the over-worked and lorded-over ordinary citizen, who is over-burdened by the daily worries and stresses of early 21st century life looming over our very survival.

“Zero Emission Musician” Rick Denzien’s zeal drives an acoustic guitar and vocal style, like an early protest era anthem, iconic for this moment in history.

In response to the non-stop bombardment of corporate and political propaganda and unscrupulous agendas that have undermined human and planetary well-being, GO OUT AND PLAY reaches out to the child within to take charge of one’s own destiny, not beholden to the bondage of an elite establishment that’s calling the shots on a bigger world stage.

Verses build a musical tension with lyrics that address the drowning undertow frustrating the spied-upon working classes under siege by a steroid-muscled police state, validated by the mainstream media and orchestrated by a thin veneer of the super rich and super powerful at the expense of everyone.

These dark themes lie in sharp contrast with an infectiously catchy, lighthearted chorus that invokes positive motivation for resisting and countering the injustice of a corrupt system.

GO OUT AND PLAY blends fresh acoustic rock with tasty backing vocals and a scorching electric blues lead guitar solo. The beckoning hook serves as an irresistible rally cry for anyone listening to sing along with for a positive surge of forward moving energy despite nefarious forces at hand.

A song for the times, GO OUT AND PLAY calls-out the ominous and offers an empowering solution for sustaining positive resistance.