Wedding Dress
A capella song in the key of D starting only with the female lead and adding a layer of harmony vocals each verse.

The herrings:
Loes: lead vocal, footsteps
Arthur: backing vocals, footsteps
Joram: backing vocals, footsteps
Paul: backing vocals, footsteps

In 2011, a friend introduced me to the work of the 70's folk rock band Pentangle. All the bassists among you will understand why I instantly got hooked (because Danny Thompson, that's why!). One of the songs that stood out was the Appalachian traditional folk song Wedding Dress, in part because of the captivating modal melody but also because the lyrics made me wonder about that young woman who is working on her wedding dress for what seems to be a lifetime. Is she dissatisfied with her prospective husband(s)? Is she afraid? Too young to marry? In love with another who is somehow out of reach? Or just completely absorbed in the flow of her craft? And who is the person speaking to this woman: is it her mother, the groom-to-be, a friend? And who does (s)he address in the last verse?
- Loes